Do you hate porn starts or scripted porn movies? You wanna enjoy the real thing? Then amateur porn will be your favorite kind of porn. On this site we'll show you 45 amateur porn sites which are safe and only show you real amateur videos.
Most of the porn movies you know are scripted and played by paid actors. This means that nothing in this videos is real. The big advantage of this porn movies is the quality, most of the videos are available in HD and can be enjoyed on larger screens like your Smart TV. But after a while, you'll loose your satisfaction for this kind of videos. Amateur porn videos are created by normal people, just like you and me. Most of the time we talk about real couples which have sex on cam and upload their videos to the internet. They enjoy recording their sex on cam and share the material with other people. Nothing is scripted, it's just about real sex and real people.
You'll find a lot of couple videos in this category. But also a lot of girls create videos by theirselves. If you are looking for masturbating girls, you'll find tons of amateur videos on the web. Girls like it to show men what they can do on cam - and yeah, they wanna make you horny too.